Who We Are

We have been providing healthy nutritious meals to nursery settings across Bristol, Bath, and South Gloucestershire for over 17 years. We believe in putting the needs of children first and providing them with the best protein, vitamins, and minerals to help them grow and develop. We always want to ensure everybody is happy, especially the children!

At Mini Meals Catering we aim to build strong partnerships with Early Years practitioners to ensure our catering company runs smoothly and that the meals provided are to the highest standard for the children we provide for. Parents have always been extremely happy with our service and have given us great feedback which is very important to us.

Our Awards

Mini Meals Catering autumn/winter menu is planned to meet the Eat Better Start Better voluntary food and drink guidelines and has received approval from the Early Start Nutrition team. Our menus are nutritionally balanced and reflect dietary and cultural requirements.

*Please note, menus for individual children with medical and dietary requirements (e.g. allergies, intolerances, vegetarian/vegan) are not included in this review).

Achieving 45 out of 45 possible Bristol Eating Better Early Years Award actions, designed to increase the availability of healthy food and promote sustainability. This includes actions to help early years settings become Sugar Smart.

Useful Information

Practical Suggestions to encourage healthy eating

  • Children eat best in small groups with a familiar carer.

  • Carers eating the same foods with children is extremely encouraging.

  • Talk about foods and encourage conversation at meal and snack times

  • Children over 2 years old should be encouraged to be involved and serve themselves.

  • Face and shapes can be made on plates with food.

  • Use appropriate cutlery and crockery for the age group.

  • Finger foods (e.g. cheese, chicken, slices of fruit, carrot/celery sticks) encourage children to bite and chew, for more guidance visit the NHS website.

  • Food can be cut into bite-sized pieces.

  • Allow enough time so the slower eater can finish.

  • Don’t force children to eat everything on their plate.

  • Encourage children to help prepare foods.

  • Always serve new or unfamiliar foods with familiar ones.

  • If possible, link menus with activities that have been set.

  • Use brightly coloured fruits and vegetables.

  • Use stickers when a new food is tried.

  • Make meal times a positive and enjoyable experience.

Sign Up For A Free Trial

If you like the sound of it, please fill out our free trial form!

When we receive your details, we will give you a call and talk you through the process as well as answer any questions you might have about us and the food we provide.