Our Food

At Mini Meals Catering, we guarantee that each meal is cooked on the day it is eaten, has been cooked using fresh produce, and is nutritionally balanced.

We work to a three-week rotation of the menu which is changed each season four times a year. The menu is presented to the manager four weeks prior to it starting. Our Mini Meals Catering menu is planned following a questionnaire being sent out to Centre staff, parents, and children.

Our fresh meat is locally sourced and traceable from South West farms, which is supplied by our Red Tractor Accredited local butcher John Sheppard

We also make sure all our fruits and vegetables are locally sourced wherever possible.

We provide for every diet or allergy you can think of as we like all the children to feel equal and enjoy the same-looking food as their peers. We can cater to any religious or ethnic foods required i.e. (halal, kosher).

The Mini Meals Catering menu is planned to meet the Eat Better Start Better voluntary food and drink guidelines and has received approval from the Early Start Nutrition team. Our menus are nutritionally balanced and reflect dietary and cultural requirements.

Ordering is simple

We will send you an order form for the week, for the number of lunches you require and any special dietary requirements you may have.

Meals are transported in specialist containers and delivered to you at an arranged time.

These containers will be collected on the same day. At the end of the month, you will be invoiced for the number of meals you have received.

Sign Up For A Free Trial

Still not convinced? Want to try us out before making a decision? Just fill in your details below and we will call you to arrange a free trial!

When we receive your details, we will give you a call and talk you through the process as well answering any questions you might have about us and the food we provide.